



《亚洲博彩平台排名》将残疾定义为“严重限制一项或多项主要生活活动的身体或精神损害”.“住宿的资格是单独确定的,并基于从认证专业人员那里收到的文件以及其他当前或过去的相关信息. 待批准, 住宿必须被确定为在现有大学法规和政策的背景下是必要的和合理的.

除了住宿外,需要学术调整的学生必须在学生无障碍服务中心注册. 欲了解更多信息,请致电(401)341-3150或 disabilityservices@药膏.edu.


步骤1. 学生(不是家长)必须填写并提交 住宿表格. 请注意:情感支持动物需要一个 单独的应用程序 除了住房住宿申请表.

步骤2. Submit documentation of the condition for which accommodations are requested. 文件必须是最近的,以准确地描述学生在进入大学时寻求住宿的区域的功能.


A. Existing medical or other (such as psychological) documentation of the condition for which accommodations are sought. 文件只有直接参与确定和提供残疾住宿的专业人员才能看到和审查. 所有文件均受FERPA和HIPPA法律保护, 是否被视为学生记录的一部分, 现在被锁在一个安全的地方.


  • A medical diagnosis directly connected to the condition for which accommodations are sought.
  • 这个名字, credentials and contact information of the professional who either diagnosed, 或者是当前和主要的治疗专业, 对于条件.
  • The method and date(s) of diagnosis (such as psychoeducational test battery, medical test results).
  • A description of the functional/limiting impact of the condition on one or more major life activities, 包括在大学的生活和学习.
  • A statement of the severity and stability of the condition over time, and potential fluctuations.
  • Description of treatment, treatment plan and current pharmaceutical prescription(s).
  • 亚洲博彩平台排名住宿和/或住宿要素的建议(包括对食品服务的调整)被认为是获得大学住宿服务所必需的.

B. 认证专业表格 由合格的认证专业人员完整完成.

步骤3. 一旦收到所有材料, 由学生无障碍服务中心的专业人士组成的委员会, 居住生活 and 卫生服务 makes a determination of eligibility for housing accommodations based on ADA criteria, 所提供的文件和其他相关信息. This committee meets on the second Monday of each month, from August through June.

步骤4. The Office of 居住生活 notifies the student of the outcome of the committee's review. 此结果可采取下列形式之一:按要求批准, 经修改同意或经说明理由拒绝.

步骤5. 如按要求或修改后的形式批准, the Office of 居住生活 will determine the student's room assignment based on the student's disability access needs, 他们在学校的一年, 参与特殊的生活和学习社区, 可用的房屋库存.


If a student disagrees with an accommodation decision and believes the decision was made improperly, 没有重要信息或有偏见, 学生有权要求上诉.

申请住宿,学生应 填写并提交网上表格. Students must also submit documentation of the disability for which housing accommodations are being requested. Documentation should be mailed to 学生无障碍服务, 100 Ochre Point Ave.地址:Newport, RI 02840或传真至(401)341-2912.

学生无障碍服务和住房审查委员会将审查文件,并确定学生是否需要住房,以平等地获得大学的生活环境. Recommendations are then forwarded to the Office of 居住生活 for housing assignment.

The preferred timeline for new student housing requests is June 1 for the fall semester and Dec. 春季学期是1. The preferred deadline for returning students is March 1 for rising sophomores and Feb. 初中生和大四学生15岁.

请注意: 得益于共享的设施, 生活在同一屋檐下的资源和人数, 单人间并不能保证一个安静/不受干扰的空间.

适合有特殊饮食需求的学生, our campus registered dietician is available and can assist you in meeting your nutritional and dietary needs.

有严重饮食限制或其他医疗原因需要调整所需膳食计划的学生可申请. 请注意,调整的原因,如素食/纯素饮食, 厨房入口, 根据2008年《亚洲博彩平台排名》和1973年《亚洲博彩平台排名》第504条,个人偏好或经济困难不属于残疾.


Students must submit the forms below to 学生无障碍服务 for review:

第1部分: 学生膳食住宿表格

第2部分:医疗文件- 膳食住宿申请表格

  • 学生必须与工作人员中的注册营养师会面,讨论餐饮服务如何和/或是否能满足您的特定需求.
  • If it is determined that dining services cannot meet your nutritional requirements, 学生无障碍服务中心将提出调整要求.
  • 膳食计划调整有效期为一学年. Students must reapply for a meal plan adjustment with current documentation dated within six months of the application.
  • 膳食计划调整申请不保证获得批准. 在做出决定之前,你应该继续使用你的饮食计划. Choosing to not use your meal plan will not exempt you from any meal plan charges, 如果您的调整请求被拒绝.

First-year resident students who can demonstrate a documented medical need may 请求豁免 车辆限制政策. 只有学生填写的申请才会被接受. 如果得到批准, 学生将被要求购买停车许可证,并遵守安全与安保办公室制定的规章制度.

Please note that a diagnosis in and of itself is not a qualifier for any accommodation. 而, 资格是单独确定的,并且是基于申请住宿的个人的主要生活活动受到实质性限制而产生的需要. 住宿必须确定为进入校园生活所必需的,并且在现有大学法规和政策的范围内是合理的, 并不是为了满足偏好或提供便利而设计的. 

由于空间限制, approval solely for the purpose of accessing off-campus treatment does not generally qualify. Please contact 安全及保安 about the possibility of a temporary parking pass for such events.

The Americans With Disabilities Act defines a service animal as "any guide dog, signal dog or small horse individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability.服务性动物可能会执行引导等任务, 提醒有听觉障碍的人注意声音, pulling wheelchairs or carrying and picking up things for persons with mobility impairments, 或者帮助行动不便的人保持平衡, 等.

根据州和联邦法律, 亚洲博彩平台排名允许在学生通常允许和期望去的校园所有区域使用服务性动物, 包括宿舍, 教学楼或其他建筑物, 办公室或校园区域, 包括食堂. Students are responsible for controlling their animal's behavior and for taking care of its physical needs. If an animal is deemed to pose a direct threat to the health and safety of others, the owner may be asked by the University to remove the animal from a given area. The student is also responsible for informing others of the proper conduct expected around service animals, 比如不爱抚.

为服务性动物请求住宿, students should notify 学生无障碍服务 as early as possible and submit a 住宿申请表格. 当动物提供的服务不明显时, 主人将被问及动物是否因为残疾而被需要,以及动物被训练来执行什么任务. 如果残疾很明显,船东不需要出示其残疾性质的证明或文件. The owner of the dog will also not be required to provide proof of training or certification of the service animal.


被指定为情感支持的动物, comfort or therapy animals do not qualify as service animals as defined by the Americans With Disabilities Act. 然而, in some cases they may be permitted in a student's campus residence in accordance with the Fair Housing Act, 如果证明有必要为有残疾证明的学生提供使用和受益于大学住房的平等机会.

为情感支持动物请求住宿, students should notify 学生无障碍服务 as early as possible and submit 残疾证明文件 与…一起 情感支持动物请求表 和一个 住宿申请表格. 在获得批准之前,正在申请使用情感支持动物的主人不允许在校园内饲养动物.

The preferred timeline to request accommodations for an emotional support animal is June 1 for the fall semester and Dec. 春季学期是1.


  • 由有执照的医学专家或有资格的精神卫生专业人员提供对精神健康状况的诊断和描述.
  • 将对情感支持动物的需求与具体的诊断联系起来,并清楚地描述动物与学生病情治疗的关系。.
  • 提供有关情感支持动物如何促进学生在大学宿舍提供的住宿生活安排中发挥作用和受益的信息.

批准, 学生应与住宿生活办公室的工作人员会面,以审查主人/处理者的责任和校园情感支持动物的指导方针. The goal is to create open communication between the student and 居住生活, 这样学生的需求才能得到最好的满足.

学生也被要求提供个人的亚洲博彩平台排名,谁将负责在学生缺席或没空的情况下的动物. 这个人不能是亚洲博彩平台排名的另一个学生.

Roommate(s) will be notified that an animal is allowed to live in their residence. 

如果学生对接触动物有健康或安全方面的担忧,他们应该联系住宿生活办公室. The University will make arrangements to accommodate individuals with such medical conditions.


获得非学术性住宿的过程与获得非学术性住宿的过程相同 学术住宿. Students submit 残疾证明文件 to 学生无障碍服务 using the same criteria, 还有他们要求的住宿条件说明. 涉及其他校园办公室的请求,如卫生服务, Sodexo 餐饮服务 or 安全及保安 will originate with 学生无障碍服务, which will make a recommendation to the affected offices as appropriate for implementation of the accommodation.

The preferred timeline to request co-curricular accommodations is June 1 for the fall semester and Dec. 春季学期是1.