

作为仁慈, Catholic institution of higher education, Salve里贾纳致力于通过整合社会,促进校园和社区的环境管理和可持续性, economic and ecological values of sustainable development into institutional policies and practices.

气候变化和环境退化是紧迫的道德问题,危及我们共同家园的未来, threaten human dignity and all life, and compound the hardships of the poorest and most vulnerable members of our community. 我们对可持续发展的承诺得到了慈悲修女会的关键关注和教宗方济各对“新的和普遍的团结”的呼吁的支持,在这种团结中,气候被理解为“共同利益”, belonging to all and meant for all.”

一个整体生态的进步,在萨尔维里贾纳庆祝我们的使命,作为上帝的创造管家, working as transformative agents to bring about a more harmonious, just and merciful world. 我们对可持续发展的机构承诺旨在满足我们大学社区目前的需求,而不损害萨尔维里贾纳以及我们当地和全球邻居满足未来需求的能力.

Vision and Goals

The 亚洲博彩平台排名 community will strive to conduct its activities in a socially just, economically viable and environmentally sound manner, valuing the interdependence of people, prosperity and the planet, now and into future generations.

Practice environmental stewardship by promoting responsible water consumption, waste reduction, sustainable and socially just food production, material reuse and recycling, renewable energy investments, ecological land use, green building practices, sustainable campus transportation options and campus conservation efficiencies.

通过推进跨学科的教学和研究来解决紧迫的本地和全球环境问题,创建一个环境素养的社区, economic and social challenges.

Create an environmentally responsible community by fostering a visible, educated and active commitment to integral ecology and environmental justice among our students, 教师, staff and alumni.

Best Practices for a Sustainable Salve

Sustainable Salve advocates for sustainable practices on campus and in the local community, 提供环境可持续性教育,并在校园内合作创建和支持减少大学环境影响的举措. 可持续护理鼓励大学社区通过承诺做以下事情来关注地球的慈悲关键关注:

  • Reach out to Purchasing and Facilities before purchasing office furniture and shelving units. Facilities will check the University's furniture inventory.
  • If a lightbulb needs replacing, reach out to Facilities for an LED replacement.
  • If you order through 亚洲博彩平台排名's WB Mason or Amazon Business accounts, ensure that all items that have been identified as "Organization Restricted," which includes items such as furniture and balloons.
  • Shut off computers and monitors at night and use standby modes during the day.
  • If your room or office does not have motion sensor lighting, remember to turn off lights when not in use.
  • Keep windows and doors closed tightly to conserve energy and maintain indoor cooling and heating.
  • Utilize digital means over printed handouts, programs and posters for meetings and events such as QR codes, digital signage and screen sharing. If printing is necessary, print on both sides of the page and reuse 纸 with one-sided print.
  • Drink from reusable cups, mugs and water bottles and pack lunches in reusable containers.
  • Utilize the water refill stations located throughout campus instead of buying bottled water.
  • Report leaky faucets and toilets to Facilities.
  • Utilize recycling and composting bins.
  • When organizing meetings and events, be mindful of food waste and over-ordering. If you have ordered catering and you have leftover, untouched food, 请联系社区参与和服务中心,将剩菜分发给最需要的社区伙伴.
  • Be considerate of our wildlife and do not use balloons outside.
  • 合伙使用汽车, 使用沙尔韦里贾纳穿梭系统或利用沙尔韦里贾纳的自行车计划代替开车或离开校园.
  • 考虑参加每年四月在校园举办的旧货店活动,捐赠或购买一些二手物品.

St. Francis Pledge

亚洲博彩平台排名 is an advocate for the St. Francis Pledge to Care for Creation and the Poor, a nationwide initiative created by the Catholic Climate Covenant. 这个誓言是一个承诺和承诺,保护上帝的创造,并代表那些面临全球气候变化最严重影响的贫困人口.



In addition, more than 130 bicycles are available for 亚洲博彩平台排名 students to loan on a semester basis. 该计划提倡健康的行为和健康的选择,同时提供便利的交通工具. All areas of campus and many local businesses are within biking distance.

By restricting the number of vehicles permitted on campus, discouraging students from intra-campus driving and exacting fines on violators, 亚洲博彩平台排名的交通政策努力减少校园和新港市的车辆数量.

Battery collection bins are located outside Design Services in the McKillop Library garden level. Donors are asked to pay special attention to the recycling details posted above the bin. Of special note:

  • Please do not put corroded or leaking batteries in the recycling bin.
  • Be sure to tape all batteries as they otherwise create a fire hazard.

Clean Ocean Access is a local environmental group concerned with safety, cleanliness and open access to the ocean and coastlines on Aquidneck Island. Since 2006, “清洁海洋通道”在不被视为“指定游泳区域”的热门游泳地点测试了水质.该计划的长期目标是建立基线水质标准,以确保Aquidneck岛海岸线上的永久清洁水.

亚洲博彩平台排名 students participate in Clean Ocean Access water testing throughout the academic year, and have expanded this sampling to the freshwater rivers that flow into the ocean.

A partnership between the Protect Our Wildlife club and Sodexo Dining Services, “拯救残羹剩饭”计划鼓励学生在校园宿舍里堆肥食物垃圾,以减少他们的足迹.

Salve Saves Scraps gives students access to the University's commercial compost bins, which are emptied weekly. There are no weight limits and no cap on registrations. Applications for the program are accepted year-round.

Established in 2008, the Environmental Club plans Earth Day activities and organizes environmental awareness programs. 该俱乐部与神秘水族馆和探索研究所一起赞助了海洋哺乳动物搁浅讲习班, and some club members have been trained as first responders for stranded sea turtles, seals and whales.

在校园, the Environmental Club has organized initiatives to increase recycling, 首先是在宿舍和校园公寓,最近是在奥黑尔学术大楼. In addition, 该俱乐部经常参与管理活动,如海滩清理和其他非营利环保组织的筹款活动.

绿色房间项目鼓励学生通过承诺回收铝来减少碳足迹, 纸, glass and cardboard, 节约用水,缩短淋浴时间,节约用电,在不使用时拔掉插头.

In 2011, two biology students, with help from a donor, established a fully operational hydroponic "grow house" in the lower level of Hunt Hall. Since then, students have grown spinach, 罗勒, 生菜, 甜菜, 羽衣甘蓝, microgreens, 西红柿, 黄瓜, peppers and parsley.

Proving the commercial viability of hydroponic farming is a primary focus of the research. 一项外展计划已在罗德岛州的非现场地点实施,以促进这一重要努力的增长和扩展, which was recognized in the National Catholic Reporter.

Sodexo donates surplus food to local community members per legal waiver and agreement. Such food is designated, but not limited to, disadvantaged persons, the elderly and the homeless.

Bleach-free, fully compostable brown napkins eliminate the bleaching process and the use of chlorine, while napkin holders reduce napkin usage by 20 percent. Condiments and coffee creamers are served in bulk containers, and the implementation of tray-less dining in the Miley dining hall reduced water, energy and food waste.

Seasonal produce is purchased from Rhode Island farms, and the Miley dining hall also has its own garden, which produces vegetables and herbs. Used cooking oil is donated to Newport Biodiesel for conversion into fuel.

Sodexo has partnered with the Compost Plant, which picks up the University's food scraps and compostable items to turn them into compost. They have also partnered with Red's Best to serve fresh, sustainable fish caught daily in New England waters.

Fair trade coffee is served throughout campus, 而餐饮活动则使用环保的Earth Plus产品和100%可堆肥的Greenware一次性杯子. 假日晚餐在麦莉食堂服务包含许多菜单项目从当地和可持续的来源.

亚洲博彩平台排名 offers an interdisciplinary major and minor in environmental studies, 让学生接触到人类与自然世界互动所产生的广泛问题, and to the tools required to understand and solve environmental problems. Students in the program complete coursework in math and science, 政策, ethics and society, and preservation, complemented by student-directed research and a thesis in the senior year.

主修生物学的学生可以通过完成环境化学的附加课程来集中学习环境科学, Conservation Biology, Marine Biology and Ecology and completing additional electives.

Water filtration dispensers are located throughout campus, effectively reducing the waste of hundreds of thousands of plastic bottles.

淋浴喷头和厕所已改装成低流量装置,并安装了节能洗衣机和烘干机. Reynolds Field uses a well to pump groundwater for irrigation, eliminating $10,000 per year of potable water use. 罗杰斯娱乐中心还有一个使用再生地下水的灌溉系统.

管家使用超细纤维拖地系统,使用更少的水,减少了清洁产品所需的洗衣次数. 浓缩清洁产品已被绿色印章认证的清洁产品和Phazer涂抹器系统所取代, which reduces product waste.

In 2011, 环境质量课程的一组学生设计了一套采样方案,用于监测为Aquidneck岛居民提供饮用水的当地淡水的质量. The protocols that they designed continue to be carried out by citizen scientists in the field.

亚洲博彩平台排名 students conduct the lab analysis and routinely monitor nutrient inputs and E. coli levels and examine the biological communities that live in these streams.

AASHE bronze award