Certificate in Healthcare Administration

研究生 Certificate in Healthcare Administration


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医疗保健是一个快速变化的行业,对创新和充满活力的专业人士的需求不断增加. 亚洲博彩平台排名的医疗保健管理研究生证书为有动力的个人提供了机会,以提高他们的医疗保健事业和扩大他们的就业选择.

Meet Your Personal and Professional Goals

我们的证书课程探索最新趋势,并培养顶级医疗机构所期望的专业能力. 灵活的课程设置使学生可以根据自己的教育情况定制课程, professional and personal goals. 所有课程都由受人尊敬的专业人士教授,他们将理论基础与专业领域的个人经验相结合, 同时尊重大学对仁慈传统的承诺.

Number of Courses



Program Format





$2,190 per course

Course Requirements

亚洲博彩平台排名的医疗保健管理研究生证书专为持有学士或硕士学位并正在寻找持续专业或个人发展的学生而设计. 学业成绩良好的学生如果想继续学习,可以申请 M.S. in healthcare administration program and carry the credits forward.

攻读研究生证书的学生通过从课程的核心课程中选择课程来定制他们的学习, in consultation with the program director.

Core curriculum courses include:

  • HCA501: Introduction to Health Care
  • HCA505: Health Care Marketing
  • HCA509: Human Resources Management
  • HCA519: Health Care Finance
  • HCA525: Ethics for Health Professionals
  • HCA528: Health Policy
  • HCA533: Health Law
  • HCA543: Public Health Administration
  • HCA547: Application of Health Care Management Theory
  • HCA570: Internship in Healthcare Administration

This course explores the historical development, 美国卫生保健筹资和提供的现状和可能的未来趋势.S. 课程内容包括卫生保健系统的规模和范围的总体概述, issues related to the underlying need for health care, different modalities for financing and reimbursement, and evaluation and policy issues.

向学生介绍与卫生服务行业相关的基本营销原则和实践. They examine consumer needs, target market concepts, strategies for attaining goals, current market practices, cost benefit analysis, ethical considerations and marketing resources. 组织内部积极关系的发展被视为一种营销策略, including the role in marketing played by employees, physicians, patients and the community.

本课程帮助学生理解在道德考虑和法律义务的约束下有效地利用人力资源来实现组织目标. The processes used to determine human resource requirements, recruitment, selection, development, 探索当代组织中人力资源的利用和容纳. 学生s apply case analyses methods to assess the issues, 利益相关者和支持方案,以解决相关的人力资源管理情况.

本课程提供医疗保健环境的概述,并通过财务报表审查和分析介绍财务概念. Discussions address the development and use of revenues, identification of operating expenses, strategies to contain costs, 以及医疗服务提供者和第三方支付者之间的财务互动.

学生探索当前和反复出现的道德问题面临的卫生专业人员在今天的卫生保健环境. Topics include the right to refuse treatment, the right to die, physician-assisted death, organ donation, 与医疗保健报销和管理有关的资源分配和问题, such as cost containment and quality assurance. Other topics include informed consent, confidentiality, 自治, nutrition and hydration, professional codes, the human genome project and cloning. 传统的伦理理论以及决策模型也被检查.

学生专注于有助于建立国家卫生政策的三个主要领域:卫生规划, health research and health services. They examine the methodology for policy planning, goal setting, allocation of resources, plan implementation, evaluation and regulation. 与卫生研究有关的卫生政策涉及对主要疾病和疾病的讨论, environmental factors, new technology and health research and the social, political, and economic factors influencing policy development.

学生s examine the law relating to health care administration. Course topics include the physician-patient relationship, professional liability, credentialing, medical records and disclosure of information, HIPAA regulations, consent to treatment, hospital liability and the institution-physician relationship. 还讨论了最近亚洲博彩平台排名保健管理问题的立法.

本课程为卫生保健领导者提供公共卫生问题的广泛概述, 考虑到健康状况和危险因素,促进健康和预防疾病的意义. 本课程平衡了公共卫生的历史发展和当前挑战的观点,如应对全球流行病, including COVID-19. The material is current, 对于任何想要了解如何改善社区健康的人来说,这都是至关重要的.

这门顶点课程回顾并强化了学生在课程学习中获得的核心能力. 通过案例研究和实际的医疗管理情况, 学生有机会应用他们在以前的课程中获得的技术和技能.

实习是一个个人的工作经验或项目在一个组织的监督下执业的专业和结构的萨尔维里贾纳教员. 虽然实习的具体性质因学生的学术兴趣而异, 学习计划和非学术环境之间应该有密切的关系. 实习是一种有监督的学习经历,通常包括一学期至少120小时的在职经历.

Our Faculty

我们的课程由具有多年成功经验的受人尊敬的医疗保健专业人员教授, 实践经验,克服我们的学生现在面临的挑战. 小班设置营造了一个充满活力的学习环境,专注于交流机会和挑衅性的小组讨论.

Meet Our Faculty



Courses are billed individually at the start of each class. Please note that there is a $60 registration fee per semester.

学费 Reimbursement


If your employer is paying all or part of your tuition, 如有可能,我们会安排你的雇主直接付款.

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Our certificate programs are eligible for federal student loans. To qualify, you must complete two courses per semester.

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