



随着越来越多与健康相关的设备连接到互联网, 隐私和安全方面的挑战不断增加. 亚洲博彩平台排名 University’s graduate certificate in cybersecurity and healthcare administration prepares professionals to proactively manage and mitigate against current and emerging cybersecurity threats in the health care environment.


Our graduate certificate provides an in-depth understanding of cybersecurity threats to health care systems and examines best practices in risk management and digital health innovation. Coursework explores the 适用于电子健康记录的法律法规 and develops the techniques necessary to build enterprise-wide cybersecurity awareness in this rapidly changing environment.











亚洲博彩平台排名’s graduate certificate in cybersecurity and healthcare administration is designed for students who hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree and are looking for continued professional or personal development. 学生s in good academic standing who would like to continue their studies may apply to the M.S. 在医疗管理项目中 并将信用继续下去.


  • HCA530:医疗保健管理中的网络安全和弹性
  • HCA538:网络安全和医疗保健政策
  • HCA542:网络安全和医疗保健法


  • CJC576:高科技犯罪
  • HCA551:破解医疗保健管理的未来
  • HCA552:医疗保健管理中的数字健康、创新和创业精神
  • MGT558:网络机遇和威胁管理

This course studies the response of law enforcement and information systems scientists to the use of computers and related technologies for criminal purposes. 不需要计算机编码知识. 围绕这一领域的主要政策问题也进行了讨论.

The regular occurrence of cybersecurity incidents has led health care organizations to treat cybersecurity as a risk that needs to be actively managed, 而不仅仅是一个技术可以解决的问题. From medical data tracking to electronic health records and bedside life support systems, 技术简化了医疗服务的提供. 然而, 最新的应用, mobile operating systems and medical devices also create many privacy and security challenges. This course offers an introduction to cybersecurity and resiliency in health care administration. 借鉴最近在医疗保健领域发生的事件, 向学生介绍网络安全威胁, 威胁的演员, 网络安全风险管理最佳实践, 适用于电子健康记录的法律法规, 以及建立企业范围的网络安全意识的基本技术.

As large-scale data breaches become increasingly ubiquitous in health care organizations, concern for health care information data security has moved from an information technology problem to a board-level problem. Managers in health care enterprises must have strategic policies in place to deal with current and emerging cybersecurity challenges. 贯穿本课程的前半部分, students develop an in-depth understanding of major and continual health care policy reforms as it relates to digital health and cybersecurity. The second half of the course gives students the skills necessary to develop strategic-level policy documents and build end-user cybersecurity awareness in a health care organization.

As health care enterprises progressively adopt electronic health records and other digital health technologies, 会产生各种隐私和安全风险. This course provides an in-depth understanding of the various legislation and regulations that govern health care and cybersecurity. Standards and rules governing risk management and the effective use and protection of patient data are discussed. This includes an overview of the National Institute for Standards and Technology frameworks on cybersecurity and risk management, 联邦贸易委员会对客户数据的裁决, 以及食品药品监督管理局亚洲博彩平台排名医疗器械的规定, 等. 该课程还探讨了各种立法如何, 比如2015年的网络安全信息共享法案, 影响医疗保健.

With the emergence of advanced technologies and the integration of “Internet of Things” devices into health care settings, health care enterprises are more frequently becoming the targets of advanced cyber 威胁的演员. 随着攻击的数量和范围的增加, health care administrators are pressured to better understand these threats and make technical decisions that have traditionally been outside the scope of their responsibility. This course introduces students to the cyber threats directly targeting and impacting health care enterprises currently and in the future. 学生s research and evaluate historical case studies of various compromises in health care settings and learn how best to address similar situations, 同时也主动缓解未来的事件.

数字医疗是美国发展最快的行业之一.S. 经济正在迅速变化, 在当前和未来对提供卫生保健造成破坏性后果. Innovation in health care requires leaders that are trained to think and act as entrepreneurs while also maintaining a culture of cybersecurity safety and resiliency. This course provides an overview of how technology is developed and applied to health care and medicine, 从远程医疗到量化自我和其他新兴的数字健康平台. This course provides in-depth knowledge of the vocabulary and skills necessary to engage in digital health entrepreneurship, to include lean start up methodologies; stakeholder, 市场, and competitor analysis; venture capital; mergers and acquisitions; initial public offering (IPO) transactions; and designing and patenting for sales.

信息是当今组织最重要的资产之一. 侵犯隐私, 对操作系统的黑客攻击和网络犯罪会损害一个组织的品牌完整性, 信誉, 客户的信任,甚至他们的整体价值. This course provides an understanding of opportunities and vulnerabilities in cyberspace and examines advantages and risks of new technology opportunities, 有关安全漏洞和隐私的风险评估, 数据保护与丢失, 知识产权, 工业间谍活动, 供应商和客户关系, 业务连续性和弹性规划. Focus is placed on preventing and mitigating such risks through employee awareness and training, 网络安全政策发展与披露中的战略思考, 网络安全和入侵防御措施, 与供应商签订的合同协议, 数据恢复计划, 事故应对计划, 用户责任协议, 合规性和法律问题.


Our program is taught by respected cybersecurity and health care professionals with years of successful, 实践经验,克服我们的学生现在面临的挑战. Small class settings foster a dynamic learning environment focused on networking opportunities and provocative group discussions.




课程在每节课开始时单独收费. 请注意,每学期有60美元的注册费.



如果你的雇主为你支付全部或部分学费, 如有可能,我们会安排你的雇主直接付款.




我们的证书课程有资格获得联邦学生贷款. 要符合资格,你必须每学期完成两门课程.




亚洲博彩平台排名 is approved for veterans’ benefits and has been named a Military Friendly School.
