

The Noreen Stonor Drexel 文化及历史保存 Program prepares students for careers that explore and protect the places, 创造我们历史的物品和故事. As one of only nine undergraduate programs recognized by the National Council for Preservation Education, 亚洲博彩平台排名 University's curriculum provides a diverse foundation in the field's major disciplines, 包括建筑史, 考古, 博物馆研究和城市规划.


亚洲博彩平台排名's program emphasizes the cultural relationships between people, objects and buildings and teaches students to preserve the stories that give those material things meaning. Our unique curriculum provides students with a strong foundation in 建筑历史, 考古及文物保护规划. We also offer a streamlined double major with art history for those students planning for a career in the museum field.

Because we believe that experience is the best teacher, our students learn preservation by doing preservation, and we take full advantage of the world-class architecture and living laboratory that surrounds us. We employ the buildings and objects on our campus and in the city of Newport to help students develop valuable skill sets.

通过课程学习和必要的实习, students photograph and create measured drawings of historic architecture, 进行档案研究, participate in archaeological excavation and collaborate on the development of museum exhibits. We also train our students in cutting-edge preservation technology, 包括地理信息系统(GIS), 摄影测量, 三维数字建模, aerial drone photography and archaeological geophysics (ground-penetrating radar, 磁梯度法和土壤电阻率法.


 One of the things that sets our cultural and historic preservation program apart from others across the country is the diversity of skill sets. Our students work with the latest technology in 考古 and historic architecture. 这让他们更有竞争力, 我知道学生什么时候离开这里, I can recommend them to some of the best cultural resource management firms in the nation with confidence. 

Dr. Heather Rockwell,助理教授


Our faculty have extensive experience both teaching at the university level and working as preservation professionals, and they draw upon this knowledge to show students how their coursework translates to the real world of preservation. Small class sizes allow for individual attention and mentoring, and students are included in ongoing research projects. 使用这种经验方法, our faculty provide students with valuable experience in the preservation field.




Our students are uniquely positioned with the knowledge and experience they need for successful careers. 结果是, we have an established record of placing our graduates in the nation’s leading preservation agencies, 公司和组织.

  • 地方和州政府: An ever-increasing number of municipalities employ preservation planners, and every state has a historic preservation office. 
  • 联邦政府: A broad range of preservation work is available through the National Park Service.
  • 民营文化资源管理公司: These firms do contract work for clients ranging from private landowners to state governments, and also perform architecture documentation and evaluation. 
  • Private preservation organizations that maintain historic sites: There are hundreds - if not thousands - of local preservation organizations scattered across the country.
  • 保存承包公司: Hands-on preservation work is a well-defined niche in the building industry, and there is a critical shortage of trained and skilled artisans in the historic building trades. 

 I am grateful to the cultural and historic preservation program for turning my fledgling interest in history into a career in historic preservation. 这个项目让我周围都是人, places and experiences that fostered a passion for the field as well as a sense of academic rigor and community engagement that I apply every day on the job. 

Alyssa Lozupone ’11, director of preservation, Newport Restoration Foundation


13门课程| 39学分


  • CHP170:历史文物保护简介
  • CHP190:考古学入门
  • CHP218: Exploring North American Indigenous Cultures
  • CHP263: Historic Site and Cultural Resource Management
  • CHP301:美国建筑调查
  • CHP395:高级研讨会
  • 490:毕业论文

Students choose six additional courses from a list of electives focusing on 考古, 建筑历史, 艺术史和美国历史.


  • CEG222:研究方法
  • CHP223:世界考古
  • CHP256: Internship in Archaeology and Cultural Resource Management
  • CHP310: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
  • CHP331:东北考古
  • CHP332:考古学校
  • 考古实验室方法
  • SOA130: Anthropology: Interpreting Cultural Differences


  • CHP180:历史建筑文件
  • CHP207:建筑导论
  • CHP255: Internship in 文化及历史保存
  • CHP260:城市是一件艺术品
  • CHP307: 20和21世纪的建筑
  • CHP311:景观历史与诠释
  • CHP323: Newport建筑史
  • CHP361:历史建筑的实地学校


  • ART172:横跨镀金时代校园的艺术
  • ART208: History of World Art I: Prehistoric to 1400
  • ART209:世界艺术史II: 1400年至今
  • ART312:古典艺术与考古学
  • ART319:美国绘画与雕塑
  • ART325:奇迹:艺术、自然和博物馆
  • ART338: Art and the Gilded Age at 亚洲博彩平台排名 University
  • ART405: Curatorial Practice and the Gallery Experience
  • CHP225:公共历史导论
  • HIS313:美国移民经历
  • 美国经济史
  • HIS322:美国城市


Because of the linkages between historic preservation and so many other fields of study, our minor allows students focusing in disparate areas of study to enrich their major.

6门课程| 18学分


  • CHP170:历史文物保护简介
  • CHP190:考古学入门
  • CHP263: Historic Site and Cultural Resource Management
  • CHP301:美国建筑调查

Students choose two additional courses from a list of electives in 考古, 建筑历史 and art history to give them a broad base of knowledge and skill sets in the field of cultural and historic preservation.