Organizational Culture Transformation




Meet the Challenges of Today's Business Landscape

亚洲博彩平台排名的四门课程的研究生证书提供了一个全面的课程,提供了必要的工具和方法来解决当今不断变化的商业环境的挑战. By integrating topics such as leading system change, leading group dynamics, 理解系统性不平等,培养跨文化意识, 我们赋予下一代领导人推动变革的权力, foster inclusive team dynamics, 倡导公平,有效引导文化转型.

In addition to organizational culture transformation, 亚洲博彩平台排名's graduate certificates in leadership include business intelligence for organizational progress and strategic transformation and sustainable management. Certificates may be earned concurrently or sequentially, 成功完成所有三个项目的学生只需要再修两门课程就可以获得我们的 组织转型与领导专业硕士学位.

Who Will Benefit?

  • Business operations managers
  • Financial managers
  • Health educators
  • Human resources managers
  • Information technology managers
  • Management consultants
  • Marketing managers
  • Medical and health services managers
  • Military and correctional officers
  • Nonprofit directors

Program format


Four courses (12 credits)

Application deadline


Rolling admission
Fall, spring and summer starts available

Average time to complete


8-12 months



$2,190 per course
Financial aid and veterans' benefits available

Organizational Culture Transformation Curriculum

亚洲博彩平台排名的组织文化转型研究生证书是为持有学士或硕士学位的专业人士设计的,他们正在寻求通过持续的领导力发展来适应和发展. 完成证书课程后,学术成绩良好的学生可以申请 M.S. in organizational transformation and leadership program and carry the credits forward.

Required Courses

The world of work has changed. 跨文化技能在我们集体生活的各个方面都是需要的, locally and globally. This course examines complex topics such as inclusion, 跨文化能力和道德领域的多样性和代际机会. 本课程通过对组织模式和多元文化原则和方法的综合考察,探讨组织中的跨文化意识. 它探索了提供实用工具的模型,以弥合造成冲突的差异,并将人们和有组织的系统分开. Students apply theories to practice, discover personal leadership abilities, 培养文化能力,并将学习融入自己感兴趣的领域.

本课程提供了一个框架,通过群体动力学和管理群体和团队的实践经验来观察群体发展的动态. Students learn to identify different group types, establish group norms, understand the evolution of a typical group, 熟悉领导和管理团队中的道德问题. 管理不同的高影响力团队的一个重要组成部分是能够观察人们如何互动,并知道如何或何时在紧急的团队情况下进行干预. 学生探索组织的各种含义, culture, society and/or community have on group development.

Leading organizational culture transformation is complex. 本课程探讨了如何创建一个更加公正和公平的组织文化的核心问题,并提供批判性思维, analytical skills and tools to examine this question. 本课程将深入探讨阻碍成功组织文化转型的系统性不平等和政策. 学生探索历史上系统性不平等的深层次原因, 组织理论和支配型领导对命令和控制的假设,为这些不平等如何持续提供见解, evolve and grow. 本课程帮助学生培养批判性地评估组织和公共政策所需的技能, 辨别和评估为解决这些问题而制定的政策的有效性, 并学会询问与实施合理的政策举措相关的道德困境.

在一个不断变化的时代,领导全系统的变革和转型是一项持续的挑战. Visionary, 需要跨学科的思维来促进人类和地球的变化,并加强相互依存的合作行动. 本课程概述了通过变革和转型领导和管理人员所需的技能. 它考察了领导者和管理者影响组织变革的几种方法和工具, 通过沟通过程使人们参与进来,并建立维持变革的能力. 它探讨了变化和转型动态的独特特征:个体如何经常应对变化, 如何建立信任,如何评估变革对组织文化的影响, group behavior, 人际影响与组织设计与创新. 学生在流程咨询等领域提高技能, leading and managing change, team building, and measuring organizational readiness and effectiveness. Students apply course material to real world issues, 通过合作项目的情况和工作场所的挑战.

Our Faculty

我们的组织文化转型课程由经验丰富的专业人士教授,他们都是该领域的专家. 教师与学生密切合作,满足他们的个人需求,同时作为以职业为中心的导师, helping students to build their professional network.



Courses are billed individually at the start of each class. Please note that there is a $60 registration fee per semester.



If your employer is paying all or part of your tuition, 如有可能,我们会安排你的雇主直接付款. Learn more.



我们的证书课程有资格获得联邦学生贷款. To qualify, you must complete two courses per semester. Learn more.

Military and


亚洲博彩平台排名被批准为退伍军人提供福利,并被命名为军事友好学校. Learn more.