Online Master's Degree in Nursing

Online Master's Degree in Nursing

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亚洲博彩平台排名的在线护理硕士学位是一个容易获得的强化课程,适合持有B级学位的护士.S. 在护理和正在寻求提供先进的护理在各种设置, including independent practice. We offer specializations in family nursing and psychiatric mental health, 两者都提供了作为护士执业认证所必需的教学和体验式学习.

在线交付现场和自定进度课程的周到融合, 我们的护理硕士学位提供了工作成年人所需的灵活性,同时也培养了与教师和同龄人的个人联系,这是萨尔维里贾纳经验的标志. 当学生达到课程序列的临床部分时,需要在校园进行以技能为基础的讨论会.

在完成48-51个学分的研究生课程和至少750个临床学时后, 学生获得护理理学硕士学位,并有资格参加国家认证考试.

除了硕士学位,萨尔维里贾纳提供研究生证书 family nurse practitioner and psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner 对于已经拥有硕士学位并希望转换职业的护士. 合格的毕业生也有资格无缝地进入我们的硕士后 Doctor of Nursing Practice program.

Degree type


 Master's (M.S.)
Family nursing and psychiatric mental health specializations

Program format


 14-15 courses (48-51 credits)

Average time to complete


 28-32 months

Application deadline


Rolling admission
Fall, spring and summer starts available

Sharon Stager

今天的患者在获得高质量的医疗保健方面遇到了重大障碍, 执业护士在服务社区和提高患者护理效果方面发挥着关键作用. 亚洲博彩平台排名的护理硕士学位使下一代护士从业者成为在整个生命周期中提供整体护理的领导者.

Dr. Sharon Stager,副教授,护理系研究生护理学副主席

The Salve Difference

Dedicated Faculty

亚洲博彩平台排名 offers an accredited, 高接触护理计划,并有专门的教师,他们是各自领域的主题专家. 为学生提供一名学术顾问和一名成功教练,以支持他们选择课程和取得学位.

Flexible and Affordable

亚洲博彩平台排名的护理硕士学位每年提供六个不同的开始日期,并为来自合作机构和军队成员的护士提供优惠的学费. 大多数课程都是在线完成的,可以按照自己的节奏完成,很容易适应专业护士的繁忙日程.

Purpose-Driven Education

Guided by 亚洲博彩平台排名's mercy mission, our program prepares nurses to provide empathetic, compassionate care across the lifespan. 我们对护理实践的整体方法提供了成为健康生活和社会正义的领导者和倡导者所需的深入知识和技能.

Kelly Burke

我的愿望不仅是成为一名执业护士,而且要成为一名体现同情和关心他人的真正精髓的领导者. During my graduate studies at Salve, 我获得了成为一名富有同情心和能力的护士所必需的知识和职业道德, 我获得了信心来证明这个角色确实是我的使命.

Dr. Kelly Burke '13, '17 (M), '19 (DNP), nurse practitioner, Mass General Brigham, and lecturer, Department of Nursing

Master's in Nursing Curriculum

亚洲博彩平台排名的护理硕士学位是为持有学士学位的个人设计的.S. 认可机构的护理专业(最低累积GPA为3).0) and have an RN license. 我们的在线课程的灵活格式是理想的护士谁是工作的不同班次或非常规时间表.

Professional licensure disclosure

家庭护士从业人员是高级执业护士,他们根据证据提供独立和协作的卫生保健, scientific knowledge and science-based theory. 亚洲博彩平台排名的专业家庭护理从业者解决了从业者在整个生命周期中提供高质量患者护理的日益增长的需求.

14 classes | 48 credits

Required courses:

  • NUR503: Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology
  • NUR505: Foundations of the Advanced Practice Nurse
  • NUR511: Global Influences in the Advanced Management of Care
  • NUR512: Advanced Health Assessment
  • NUR514: Advanced Healthcare Informatics
  • NUR520: Research for Evidence-Based Practice
  • NUR534: Advanced Care for the Maternal and Family Unit
  • NUR535:高级护理实践药理学原理
  • NUR536: Advanced Care for the Pediatric Patient
  • NUR540: Application of the Advanced Practice Nurse Role I
  • NUR550: Advanced Practice Care I
  • NUR552: Advanced Practice Care II
  • NUR555: Application of the Advanced Practice Nurse Role II
  • NUR565: Application of the Advanced Practice Nurse Role III

这些课程包括在整个生命周期中至少750个直接监督的临床时数. After earning the M.S. in nursing, 毕业生准备参加国家家庭护士从业资格考试.

今天的卫生保健提供者面临着巨大的心理健康问题,呈现在人口从儿科到老年. 亚洲博彩平台排名的专业精神病学心理健康护理从业者解决了在整个生命周期中提供高质量患者护理的日益增长的需求.

15 classes | 51 credits

Required courses:

  • NUR503: Advanced Physiology and Pathology
  • NUR505: Foundations of the Advanced Practice Nurse
  • NUR511: Global Influences in the Advanced Management of Care
  • NUR512: Advanced Health Assessment
  • NUR514: Advanced Healthcare Informatics
  • NUR520: Research for Evidence-Based Practice
  • NUR535:高级护理实践药理学原理
  • NUR542: Advanced Psychopharmacology Across the Lifespan
  • NUR546:评估,诊断,评估和心理治疗
  • NUR554: Advanced Leadership in Healthcare
  • NUR558:心理基因组学,精神药理学,管理和咨询
  • NUR568: Mental Health Across the Lifespan
  • NUR570: Clinical I
  • NUR575: Clinical II
  • NUR580: Clinical III

这些课程包括在整个生命周期中至少750个直接监督的临床时数. After earning the M.S. in nursing, 毕业生准备参加全国精神科精神卫生执业护士资格考试.

The baccalaureate degree programs in nursing, master’s degree program in nursing, 在亚洲博彩平台排名的家庭护士执业硕士后证书和护理实践博士课程是由 Commission on Collegiate Nursing EducationThese programs are also accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education.

Learn More About 亚洲博彩平台排名's Online Master's in Nursing

我们灵活和负担得起的护理课程使您能够实现您的个人和职业目标. 拥抱一个有意义的职业-与亚洲博彩平台排名联系,攻读我们的护理硕士学位,专业是家庭护士执业和精神卫生护士执业.