Online M.A. in International Relations

Online Master's Degree in International Relations

Explore Complex Questions From a Global Perspective


完善批判性和创造性思维技能,你需要在外交事务的复杂领域取得成功与亚洲博彩平台排名的国际关系硕士学位. Offered in a flexible, fully online format, 我们严谨的课程处理政治思想和比较政治,以达到身份的主题, harmony and conflict.

课程通过建立政治和历史方面的基础知识,提供对外交事务广泛而详细的了解. Committed to student success, our international relations faculty openly share their expertise and professional network with students. And through the University's popular accelerated offerings, 合格的本科生可以在短短五年内获得学士和硕士学位.

After completing their master's degree in international relations, 亚洲博彩平台排名 graduates excel in careers with federal and state governments, nongovernmental organizations and multinational businesses. 我们的多功能课程满足了军官的专业发展需求,并为我们的军官提供了良好的学术准备 online Ph.D. in international relations.

Degree types


Master's (M.A.)
Combined B.A./M.A. pathway

Program format


Online, asynchronous
12 courses (36 credits)

Average time to complete


18-24 months

Application deadline


Rolling admission
Fall, spring and summer starts available

Dr. Yvan Ilunga

当今国际关系的格局不仅仅是一个理论空间,它是动态的、不断发展的. By laying the groundwork for critical analysis, writing, debriefing, engaging and debating, 萨尔维里贾纳的国际关系计划是准备学生具有竞争力,并在这个行业不断变化的空间适应.

Dr. Yvan Ilunga, assistant professor and associate program director, Department of Political Science and International Relations

The Salve Difference

Flexible and Affordable

Offered fully online, 索尔·里贾纳学院的国际关系项目提供了一条向上流动的途径, professional advancement and enhanced career satisfaction. 课程作业可以异步完成,并按自己的节奏-很容易适应工作的专业人士的繁忙日程.

Dedicated Faculty

我们的教师提供必要的课程,使毕业生能够对他们当前和更广泛的政治环境进行建设性的批评. As tenured professors with considerable academic experience, 他们提供一流的教育,同时关心和关心每个学生的福祉.

Rigorous and Fulfilling

我们的课程培养了一个虚拟的学术社区,为当前的全球问题探索创造性和务实的解决方案. 学生和教师在争议和冲突解决等方面有着共同的兴趣和深厚的知识, international justice, and political systems and economies.

Philip Garrow

It's the connections that you make with students, faculty and other alumni that open doors later in life. 我的导师很乐意为我现在在美国的职位做推荐人.S. Naval Academy. 他们愿意在我完成这个项目四年后为我担保,这是“以人为本”的方法的证明.

Lt. Cmdr. Philip Garrow '12 (M), assistant professor, U.S. Naval Academy

Explore 亚洲博彩平台排名's International Relations Curriculum

我们的12门课程的硕士学位探讨国内和全球正义背景下的国际关系. Core courses form a solid foundational and theoretical basis, 而关键选修课解决当代相关的具体区域和专题问题, interest and importance.

我们认识到的关键问题,萨尔维里贾纳的创始姐妹慈悲地球, immigration, nonviolence, 种族主义和妇女-通过国际视角审视人权主题. With an emphasis on global citizenship, coursework centers on topics such as the ethical implications of war, peaceful resolution of world conflicts, natural disasters and their resulting humanitarian crises, and strategies to resolve disputes between groups and individuals.

The online, 我们的国际关系课程的异步格式吸引了来自世界各地的学生,非常适合那些部署或工作非常规时间表的学生. 选择面对面的课程也可以在我们的新港,罗德岛校区.

Required courses:

  • INR508:学术成功的写作策略(1 - 3月在线提供)
  • INR511: Philosophical Foundations of Politics (offered online in May-June)
  • INR512:国际关系中的正义与秩序(1 - 2月在线授课)
  • INR513: Comparative Political Development (offered online in July-August)
  • INR516:身份,和谐与冲突(10 - 12月在线提供)
  • INR531: Just and Unjust Wars (offered online in September-October)
  • INR533:国际政治经济学(10 - 12月在线提供)
  • INR542: Dispute and Conflict Resolution (offered online in May-June)
  • INR571: International Human Rights (offered online in September-October)
  • INR572:复杂的人道主义紧急情况:预防和应对(1 - 2月在线提供)

Students also choose two of the following:

  • INR522:一体化与全球化政治(3 - 5月在线授课)
  • INR552:恐怖主义和跨国犯罪(3 - 5月在线授课,秋季在校授课)
  • INR562: International Organizations and Law (offered online in July-August)
  • INR590: Thesis
  • INR591: Independent Study/Research
  • INR592: Topical and Regional Issues in International Relations
  • INR593: Topical and Regional Issues in Comparative Politics
  • INR598: Internship

Advantages Beyond the Coursework

International officers

For more than 30 years, 我们的国际关系项目通过与美国国防部的独特伙伴关系招收了来自世界各地的军官 U.S. Naval War College. 虽然该协议为国际官员提供了从民用大学获得研究生学位的机会, their presence in the degree program is deeply beneficial for all students.

“与经验丰富的专业人士一起学习,他们拥有丰富的实践经验和美国以外发生的事件的第一手知识,对我们的学生来说是一次很好的学习经历," said Dr. Symeon Giannakos, professor and program director. “他们还接触到不同的观点,这有助于他们扩大视野."

Additionally, the University’s Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy -一个专注于政治交叉领域的多学科研究中心, 政策和理念——为学生提供了充足的机会来补充他们的教育.

Andrew Loftesnes

When I was getting out of the Marine Corps, 我想继续我的教育,以一种有助于外交政策和国家安全事业的方式. 我被萨尔维·里贾纳学院的国际关系项目所吸引,并在海外服役期间申请了这个项目. Completing my M.A. 在国际关系方面以及参加博伦奖学金直接导致了我在五角大楼的工作. Since that time, 我曾在非常规战争和反恐办公室以及负责情报和安全的国防部副部长办公室工作.

Andrew Loftesnes '20 (M), foreign affairs specialist

Consider 亚洲博彩平台排名's Online Master's in International Relations

Guided by 亚洲博彩平台排名's mercy mission, 我们严格的国际关系课程培养有原则的学生,他们为世界政治困境提供创新的解决方案. Are you ready to make an impact? 加速你的职业生涯与硕士学位的国际关系在萨尔维里贾纳.